Review: #16
Name: Scavenger
Brand: Transformers
Allegiance: Decepticon
Line: Revenge of the Fallen
Year of Release: 2009
Size Class: Legends
Variations: There is a TakaraTomy (i.e. Japanese) version and a Hasbro version, and both companies repainted it into G1 green and purple
Scavenger transforms into a mainly red excavator truck with a white scoop. Scavenger is unusual in the fact that his scoop (or bucket) faces outwards instead of the other way around.
It is a nice little mining truck, and from the size of the driver's space, it is a massive machine. He is supposed to roll but tends to slide instead.
Scavenger's scoop can be lifted up and down, but that's about it for additional articulation in this mode.
By far the biggest flaw is that the 'roof' is open and you can clearly see two wheels inside. Despite this, I still like this vehicle mode very much, it's very unique.
As expected, transformation is simple, but ingenious. I loved the simplicity of how they managed to create a robot mode that is so accurate to the on-screen interpretation of this character. The transformation can be a bit annoying with the wheels though, you should also watch out for the white paint on the pegs of the scoop, as it tends to scrape off due to the slightly smaller peg hole.
Scavenger has a very very distinct and unusual robot mode, probably the weirdest out of the seven Constructicons. I dig the design though, and it translated into Legends form a lot better than the Voyager one did.
He's static, with limited movement in his arms and scoop (you can fold down the treads on his back to balance him while posing the scoops). Since he has three points resting on the surface like a tripod, Scavenger is extremely stable.
The head sculpt captures the design well.
All in all, a nice (and cute) little robot mode, brilliantly designed.
A great Legends toy, even if he was sold individually I would still buy this one, purely coz he appeals to me so much. Of course, he forms a critical component of Devastator, which pushes him even higher.
Additional photos can be found at this page.
Credit: pictures and text is all mine, but I've linked a few pages to
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