Review: #267
Title: Neon Genesis Evangelion: The Shinji Ikari Raising Project 3
Series: Neon Genesis Evangelion: The Shinji Ikari Raising Project - 3rd volume
Author: Osama Takahashi
Read Before: no
My Comments: I still can't get over the fact that the manga feels very normal, where’s all the weird super awesome events?! Anyway, the relationship between Shinji and Rei escalates, a lot. It’s funny and interesting to see how it develops and how they act towards each other. It’s surprising to see Rei so unsecure, when I had to notion of her coolness from the first volume. Poor Asuka seemed to never have had a chance, guess Rei is just too mysterious for Shinji to pass up. There were a lot of funny moments, and a lot of typical moments, yet they all worked. You could say that the pacing was slow, but considering the content, I’d say its fine. At this rate, it seems that there’ll be only one or two volumes before Shinji and Rei really get together for real.
Rating: 6/10