Friday, March 29, 2019

The Interview (2014)

The Interview stars James Franco as Dave Skylark and Seth Rogen as Aaron Rapaport, a talk show host and producer, respectively.  In the hopes of improving their credibility, they managed to score an interview the the leader of the reclusive nation, North Korea, Kim Jong-un.  With their unprecedented access, they are tasked by the CIA to carry out an assassination plan.  The Interview is supposed to be a comedy and so you cut it some slack in the realism and common sense department.  Unfortunately, while there were a number of scenes with potential for some hilarious dialogue and actions, it ends up devolving into predictable jokes and gags.  You would sit there expecting a well used piece of toilet humor or sexual innuendo while at the same time hoping that it would defy your expectation, and it fails.  There is a slightly brighter spot in the plot when Skylark is show how friend Kim could be, and how easily you could have been mislead by propaganda.  The ending threw everything out with over the top gunfights and an exaggerated escape sequence.  In the end, The Interview falls flat with too few jokes that actually work.
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