Sunday, April 7, 2019

Toy Review: Transformers Cyberverse Shockwave (Warrior)

Review:  #492
Name:  Shockwave
Brand:  Transformers
Allegiance:  Decepticon
Line:  Cyberverse
Year of Release:  2018
Size Class:  Warrior (Wave 1)
Mold Status:  new


Shockwave transforms into a spider-tank but is what is basically the robot on all fours.

Despite that, it looks decent enough and recognizable in what it is supposed to be.

In terms of size, this is the Cyberverse line where it feels less sturdy and definitely a lot more hollow.  Above is a comparison against Titans Return Quake.

Since it uses the same joints as robot mode, the articulation in tank mode is pretty good as well.  You can create some cool walking poses.

A good tank mode even if it is a little uninspired.


Very simple as one would expect both from this line and also from the alternate mode.  The four limbs of the tank mode become the four limbs of robot mode.  To complete the transformation, you fold the chest piece down to reveal the head, and fold the turret onto the right side of his back.


This version of Shockwave looks great.  Naturally, he retains his signature features such as the gun arm and chest detailing.

He has the turret on his back but it doesn't get in the way at all.  He also features molded gun grips on the sides of his legs but only the ones on the outside are painted.

The headsculpt is great but due to the way it was sculpted, it gives him an angry eye.  It's too bad they didn't paint the secondary eye on top yellow as well, since it is one of the more distinctive features of this incarnation of Shockwave.

He is roughly the size of a Deluxe but again, a lot more hollow and light.

For the Cyberverse line, Shockwave has decent articulation.  He as balljointed elbows and hips, while his shoulders and knees have hinges and swivels.

Unfortunately, the head is fixed.  However, considering that the other Warrior figures in the line don't have knee joints or elbows, Shockwave came out pretty good.

The gimmick is that as you rotate the turret up onto his shoulder, it automatically flips out two pink attachments.  It's pretty neat although the color and sculpting of the extensions are questionable.

A good and menacing looking robot, albeit more static than you'd expect of something this size.


Shockwave is the best figure currently in the Cyberverse Warrior line, although that isn't much.  This is because everything else in the line is so crippled and Shockwave managed to come out relatively scot-free.  Unfortunately, he still suffers from a fixed head which hurts.  Otherwise, the design of both modes is pretty good but the figure is only recommended if you can get him on sale.


For other Transformers reviews, have a look at this page.

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