Sunday, May 12, 2019

Toy Review: Transformers Generations Titans Return Krok & Gatorface (Deluxe)

Review:  #497
Name:  Krok
Brand:  Transformers
Allegiance:  Decepticon
Line:  Generations - Titans Return
Year of Release:  2017
Size Class:  Deluxe (Wave 4)
Mold Status:  repaint of Skullcruncher with a new head


Gatorface is the Titan Master paired with Krok.  As per usual, he has the balljointed shoulders and neck.

He's fairly plain being mostly yellow and this work against him in this mode.


Krok transforms into a robotic alligator and this is a really nice alternate mode.

The color scheme is not too realistic being purple, neon yellow and black, it is striking.

As part of the Titans Return line, he comes with a collector card.

Krok is a repaint off Skullcruncher and there are no differences in alternate mode.

In terms of size, Krok is fairly decent.  Above is a comparison against Studio Series Ratchet.

The head is on a balljointed and the mouth can open, showing off transparent yellow teeth and tongue.

He has some articulation in the limbs and the tail but is fairly limited overall.

Krok can interact in this mode as he can sit in the cockpit that is situated in the middle of the torso.

The tail can also detach to form a sort of weaponized sled.

A great mode with plenty of play value and the darker color scheme works well.


Simple but fun.  The front limbs become the robot arms, the tail detached and then the back half of the torso unfolds to form the legs.  The head folds in a backpack and you're done.  It's quick and it's easy but functional and elegant at the same time.


Robot is good but just a tad bit below the alternate mode, mainly due to the skinny lower legs.

He has the alligator head as a backpack and while it doesn't get in the way, it also feels a bit lazy.

The only new part in this figure is the face, which is based off the G1 character and looks great.

More neon yellow comes out in this mode, lightening up the predominantly dark colors.

In terms of size, once again he is average height.

The figure is very poseable though with balljointed shoulders, hips and neck, with hinged elbows and knees.

The heelspurs are weird design, longer ones would help a lot more.

In terms of weapons, Krok has a standard gun and also a piece made from his tail.

The gun can fit in either hand and suits the figure well.

The tail weapon is another story since it is hard to tell what it is supposed to be.

A fantastic robot mode.


The mold itself is great.  He does not have any massive differences compared to the original usage of the mold, the darker color scheme may appeal more than the pink of the original.  Definitely worthwhile to get at least one version of this mold.


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