Sunday, June 16, 2019

Toy Review: Transformers Generations Power of the Primes Micronus & Cloudburst (Prime Master)

Review:  #502
Name:  Micronus
Brand:  Transformers
Allegiance:  Autobot
Line:  Generations - Power of the Primes
Year of Release:  2017
Size Class:  Prime Master (Wave 1)
Mold Status:  new


Micronus himself is a predominantly red Prime Master.  He's pretty well painted as Prime Masters go to be honest.

He has the standard articulation of limited balljointed shoulders, and a balljointed head.

Micronus can interact with figures from the other size classes in the line in various ways including acting as Prime Armor.

Another cool aspect is that he uses the same connector as the Titan Masters, and thus is able to act as a head too.


Cloudburst is the "Pretender" shell based upon the inner robot of the original Cloudburst figure.

He has the giant weapon as a backpack but since he has a huge footprint, there's no problem with him standing.

"Transforming" Micronus into Cloudburst is pretty easy since the shell just opens up and you can fit the Prime Master inside, it acts as a type of suit.

Without a Prime Master, the decoy armor is pretty much a hollow shell.

A neat aspect is how Micronus peeks out the visor from the Cloudburst armor.

In terms of size, Cloudburst is a lot smaller than a typical Legion classed figure, which is kind of sad.

Articulation is limited to hinged shoulders that allow the arms to swing back and forth.  Everything else is a solid piece.

You can detach the backpack which is only on a friction joint to act as Cloudburst's weapon.

The weapon is scaled for Deluxe and larger figures, thus is looks ridiculously oversized in Cloudburst's hands.


For such a small size, these Prime Masters have to do a lot as Micronus packs in a weapon mode.  While it is literally just the shell laid face down and the gun piece flipped to cover the head, it's not too horrible.

The weapon does look a tad bit too big for Deluxe figures, it's more suited to the Voyagers and Leaders.


As a sample, Micronus is pretty cool.  It's hard to recommend to buy more than one though unless the Pretenders gimmick appeals to you.  Granted, Micronus does a bit more with a third weapon mode and the added interactivity as a Prime Master but you still can't help but feel like the figure is lacking something.


For other Transformers reviews, have a look at this page.

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