
Thursday, June 12, 2014

Book Review: Just Macbeth!

Review:  #431
Title:  Just Macbeth!
Series:  Just! - 7th book
Author:  Andy Griffiths
Read Before:  no
My Comments:  If you thought that this was in the similar vein of other Just! books in the series in that it is a short story collection (with a central theme of Shakespeare) then you’ll be wrong.  Surprisingly, and in a good way, it’s a retelling of the Macbeth play, the twist being in the author’s style of writing.  It’s enjoyable and there are some funny and clever sections.  Some jokes were used too much (such as the “yes a million times!” gag) and there were some crude humour which seems at odds with a supposedly kid friendly book.  It stays faithful to the play and makes it interesting.  You may know what’s going to happen next but you’re excited and anticipating how it is going to happen and what sort of humour the author is going to inject into it.
Rating:  6.5/10

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