Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Book Review: Black Cat Volume 18: Guiding Light

Review:  #149
Title:  Black Cat Volume 18:  Guiding Light
Series:  Black Cat - 18th volume
Author:  Kentaro Yabuki
Read Before:  no
My Comments:  Probably sick of saying this, but Black Cat keeps up its standard of the plot so far.  The fight against the Doctor was hugely disappointing, I expected more, and it’s not that the Warp World was so bad but it was how Train managed to get out of it.  The way he got out was by the help of Saya (who is dead), it felt a bit cheap, just like how Llyod appeared in front of Sven and told him that his Vision Eye was evolving.  Anyway, so the Doctor’s arc was not as good as it could be, and then when Train is confronting Eathes next, that was even worse.  I had expected more of a fight from a Tao user but Eathes had suffered one punch and then gave up (although he is supposedly trying to find an opening to attack the party).  Only thing saving this volume was the appearance of the Chrono Numbers, and finally getting to see what weapon Shaolee uses (it’s unique, I can say that much), and then the volume ending with No. I, Sephiria, in a fight against Creed.  Still, the volume was absorbing, and I enjoyed it.
Rating:  7.5/10
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