Review: #250
Title: The Crowded Shadows
Series: The Moorehawke Trilogy - 2nd book
Author: Celine Kiernan
Read Before: no
My Comments: While still the same addicting read as the first book; it loses some of its charms by repeating the same mistakes. The plot does not push forward at the pace you would want it to go. It stalls and slows down, to the point where you wonder what next the author will use to pad the book. It loses its goal and wanders aimlessly. Too much time was spent building on the anticipation to encounter the Prince (which is going to happen in the next book). There were many times where I thought, how does this add to the overall, and it doesn't. What's more, a lot of the things that happen aren’t explained properly, leaving you confused. Two of the main characters act weirdly for a period of time, but the reason is never revealed or justified. One small nitpick is the growing tendency for some of the characters to speak in another (fictional) language. I understand that they are another race of people, yet, when it’s being used frequently and you have to keep flipping to the back of the book to try and find if the author included the translation, it gets very annoying. Not as great as the previous book in terms of story and events.
Rating: 6.5/10