Sunday, February 2, 2014

Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones

The worst Star Wars movie so far (haven't seen the third episode yet), it was just so boring and pointless compared to what came before it.  The story wasn't that great, and it doesn't hold your interest.  There doesn't seem to have been much more of a purpose in the plot, it doesn't feel like it's heading anywhere (and even the ending doesn't provide the boost that you were hoping for).  The film feels much more gimmicky too.  The special effects were surprisingly bad, the explosions were dodgy and the way the Jedi used the force (especially in the final act) were cringe-worthy.  We start to see Anakin tread on the path to the dark side, but he is not a likable character.  Like Luke Skywalker in the original trilogy, he is not only rash, but also quite arrogant.  Obi-Wan doesn't have that mentor aura around him like he did in the original trilogy or Qui-Gon in Episode 1.  The film was bloated in it's length, with many scenes where it was extremely boring, or maybe the events were supposed to be interesting, but it failed at that.  The lightsaber battle at the end of the movie just didn't feel as good as Episode 1's, maybe it's because there were no new 'technique' and it was just straight slashing away that we saw way back in the original trilogy.  Overall, it was slightly disappointing but only because it didn't reach the high bar of the previous Star Wars films.

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