Thursday, July 16, 2020

Toy Review: Transformers BotBots Bankshot (Series 3)

Review:  #571
Name:  Bankshot
Brand:  Transformers
Allegiance:  N/A
Line:  BotBots
Year of Release:  2019
Size Class:  BotBots (Series 3)
Mold Status:  new


Bankshot is a BotBot in the Arcade Renegades subgroup and transforms into a pinball machine in line with the theme.

Since his face is fully visible, while it is recognizable as a pinball machine, it is also obvious that it's just the robot lying down.

Thanks to its longer form, he doesn't look that much smaller than a Legion figure, but he definitely is around half the size.


Transforming Bankshot into robot mode is very simple and you can probably work it out from looking at the alternate mode alone.  You pull the bottom to create the legs, pull the arms out from the side, and then flip the head back.


If you think that Bankshot looks like the pinball machine upright, then you are right.  This is one of the weaker robots in the pack.

He's very rectangular overall.  Thanks to the way he transforms, he's stable since all the weight is evenly distributed.

The headsculpt, or rather, the painted face, has the non-serious look that all BotBots have.  Bankshot's face make him look like he's clumsy and clueless.

A size comparison with a Legion figure shows that Bankshot is very short and small.

Articulation is limited to only swinging the arms forward.  A weaker robot mode, while he looks okay, it doesn't differentiate too much from the alternate mode.


Bankshot is one of the weaker molds in the pack.  The mold itself is very simple to the point that it can feel a bit lazy, especially considering the ingenuity of some of the other members.  He's not terrible and continues the cute look of the BotBots line, but he isn't worth going out of your way for (so it's good news that he just comes packed in a box set).


For other Transformers reviews, have a look at this page.
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