Thursday, July 30, 2020

Toy Review: Transformers BotBots Papa Click (Series 3)

Review:  #575
Name:  Papa Click
Brand:  Transformers
Allegiance:  N/A
Line:  BotBots
Year of Release:  2019
Size Class:  BotBots (Series 3)
Mold Status:  repaint of S.A. Cheeze


Papa Click transforms into a digital camera and this is one of the more conventional alternate mode by BotBots standards.

While the front and sides look good, the back is void of recognizable detail.  Not that it matters that much.

Papa Click is very small as befitting of his cheap price, above is a comparison against Legion Barricade.

This is a fantastic camera mode, and there is a surprisingly large amounts of painted detail that's visible in this mode.


The transformation is clever and interesting for something this size.  The whole right size pops out to form an arm and reveal the head, while the left size extends to form the legs.  The camera lens then folds to the side to form the other arm.


Papa Click's robot mode looks as good as the camera mode, despite the unconventional proportions.

While he looks bulky and unstable, he balances well.

The face is painted on and like a lot of the other BotBots, it's a happy face.

He remains short and small in robot mode, above a comparison against Legion Crosshairs.

Poseability is limited to balljointed shoulders, and a little bit of swivel for the hips.  All in all, this is a good robot mode.


While you don't have to have Papa Click specifically since he is only available in a more expensive multi-pack, this mold is really strong.  The camera mode looks awesome and a robot mode that's solid too, with a fantastic transformation scheme linking the two together.


For other Transformers reviews, have a look at this page.
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