Friday, February 14, 2025

Toy Review: Jurassic Park x Transformers Collaborative Dilophocon / JP12

Review:  #826
Name:  Jurassic Park x Transformers Collaborative
Brand:  Transformers
Line:  Jurassic Park x Transformers Collaborative
Year of Release:  2023


The second set in the Jurassic Park x Transformers Collaborative line, it is based upon the scene where the character Dennis meets the Dilophosaurus.  It's another iconic scene in the show.

Unfortunately, unlike the first set, the packaging doesn't set the figures into a diorama, but we just get a piece of packaging art instead.


The set is also not as value packed, coming with two Deluxe sized figures:  Dilophocon and JP12.

Dilophocon is a fantastic figure herself, while JP12 is quite flawed, good in vehicle mode, but not so great in robot mode.

Still, it's a nice set and they have a good thematic design.

And if you have the first set, they look great together.


The second set has a super good figure, and one that's average.  So it's still worth getting overall if you can get it at a discount, given that the set only provides two Deluxes, at full price, it definitely isn't worth it.


For other Transformers reviews, have a look at this page and this page.

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