Sunday, February 9, 2025

Toy Review: Jurassic Park x Transformers Collaborate JP12

Name:  JP12
Brand:  Transformers
Allegiance:  N/A
Line:  Jurassic Park x Transformers Collaborative
Year of Release:  2023
Size Class:  Deluxe
Mold Status:  new


Released in the second Jurassic Park x Transformers Collaborative set, based on the iconic scene where the character Dennis encounters the Dilophosaurus.  JP12 transforms into the Jeep Wrangler from that scene.

This is a very good looking vehicle mode, and it has a beige soft top.

JP12 is approximately Deluxe sized, although he is a little bit hollow in the middle underneath the soft top.

Something interesting is that the robot gun pegs in front of the grill, and it blends in there really well, surprisingly enough.

You can keep it unattached and that looks fine too (and reveals the yellow indicator lights).  The vehicle has a lot of really small details, such as the tiny Jurassic Park logo at the the front.

There's the Jurassic Park logo on the side as well.

An awesome vehicle mode, and while not as iconic as JP93, it's still very recognizable.


JP12 has a slightly annoying transformation.  The soft top is this solid piece that constantly gets in the way, and does not collapse at all, and this ends up on the back of the robot mode.  The arms are from the sides, and the legs from the back.  The front wheels rotate forward for the lower torso but doesn't lock into place very well.  There's just a lot of little niggly parts that feels lacklustre.


The robot mode looks good at first glance, and he is clearly inspired by the character Dennis.

Unfortunately, he has a huge backpack, and it's the vehicle's soft top, and it is just kind of... stuck there, it's not integrated well at all.

The head sculpt is like a robotfied version of the character Dennis, and he comes standard with a yellow hard hat.

The hard hat is removable, but why would you want to remove it?

He's approximately the standard height of a Deluxe, slightly shorter to achieve a chubbier look.

From the side, you can see how awkward the backpack it.  It just feels so awkward there, as it does not peg in solidly.

Articulation is fine, with joints for his head, shoulders, elbows, hips, knees and ankles.

He comes with a bunch of accessories, a shaving cream can, embryo containment unit, and a gun.

The embryo containment unit is a translucent blue thing, and can be held in his hand.

The shaving cream can can go on top of the containment unit, since JP12 cannot hold the can by itself otherwise.

Finally, the gun can also be held in either hand, and it's a short gun but suits the character.

The pieces can store on his back but pegging behind the door wings.

Another big flaw of the figure are the front wheels on his torso.  Depending on your figure, the joints might not be tight enough and it will constantly be loose and dislodge.

Otherwise, this is a good looking, if not very fun, robot mode.


JP12 is one of those figures that should have been at the very least solid, but ruined by some thing or another.  In JP12's case, the vehicle mode is flawless, but the robot mode has some design flaws that pulls down his play value.


For other Transformers reviews, have a look at this page and this page.

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