Sunday, February 24, 2013

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2

No... just no.  Why do I put so much expectation towards these Harry Potter movies when they just disappoint me time and time again.  Okay, that might be a slight exaggeration as Deathly Hallows Part 2 was one of the better films since Chamber of Secrets (before they started going all into the 'dark and gritty' theme).  Still, if you're a fan of the books, the way the plot was dealt with here might incense you a few times.  I seriously don't know why this film gets so much praise, when there were so many cliche moments, in vain hopes of creating some humor or effect.  For example, the statues coming to life and the way they arrived (i.e. dropping down, kneeling) was done before, as was McGonagall saying "I've always wanted to do that" being lame.  I was thinking "are you serious?" when the wand fights occurred and I was looking at the weird special effects (especially the start of the battle where it looked just like arrows flying towards a besieged castle... I've seen that many times in movies).  The actual battle, to which it was building up to, was disappointing, and I really hated how they changed the final parts.  It should have been everyone fighting in the hall, with allies helping each other fending off Voldemort and spectators cheering them on, giving a sense of unity.  Instead, we get a stupid one on one of Harry against Voldemort, which turned out to be lame anyway (Voldemort using strips of fabric?  WTF).  The only redeeming part was the revelation of Snape, which, while doesn't even stand on the same level of the book's version, still brought out some of the same effects.  Like most of the other Harry Potter movies, a lot of the original plot is lost and can be confusing for viewers without the 'background knowledge'.  This is the least boring movie out of the last four, but I refuse to say that it's a good movie.  Go read the book instead, and for all you people that say why read when you can watch the movie.  Well... you'll see why adapting such a long book with a complex plot into four hours is not a good idea.
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