Saturday, June 14, 2014

Fast & Furious 5

The best Fast & Furious film at the time it was released, it was heaps of fun to watch, so much that it was surprising.  Like the previous film, Fast Five (easier title to type than the alternate title) steers away from focusing on cars and races, and being more like an action film.  While the start wasn't too strong, the momentum built up and by the time you were at the halfway mark, it was already really good.  Then it just kept on going and going right up until the climax where it was exhilarating.  Sure, most of the stunts were improbable and dangerous but it was a visual spectacle that was worth watching.  The plot isn't too complex but it does what it has to do, it is enough to keep things going and let the action do the talking instead.  One thing that's awesome in Fast Five is the ensemble cast, it features the return of a couple of familiar faces which just ups the film even more.  It great seeing them come back together and teaming up.  At first, Dwayne Johnson's character seemed unnecessary but he didn't turn out to be much of a nuisance at the end.  His actions and decisions were predictable though.  There were one or two short races that you get to witness which is a shame but the final car sequence was amazing and makes up for the rest of the film.  A really fun action film that you won't regret watching.

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