Thursday, April 28, 2016

Book Review: W.A.R.P. The Forever Man

Review:  #570
Title:  W.A.R.P. The Forever Man
Series:  W.A.R.P. - 3rd book
Author:  Eoin Colfer
Read Before:  no
Comments:  The Forever Man prevents closure to the persistent antagonist since the first book, no prizes for guessing who.  Surprisingly, the plot doesn't take place in London (so no more Malarkey and his warrior wife from the future) but Chevron and Riley time warp back a few hundred years to days where people still believed in witches.  Unfortunately, Chevron takes a backseat from the action to become a princess in distress and Riley is the one who has to step up and save her.  It ends up being an engaging and intense battle between Riley and his old master.  While the wormhole mutations aspect was a bit of a stretch and felt far more fictional than the author's previous dabbling in time travel, it seemed that he was losing his grip on the concept.  The ending and epilogue was the best scene of the book, and it was a bittersweet moment, and hard to say whether it was truly a happy ending or not.  Seemingly the final book in this series, it is a nice send off.
Rating:  7/10

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