Friday, August 19, 2016

Inside Out (2015)

Inside Out once again captures the imaginative atmosphere and ideas that Disney Pixar is known for.  This time around, the movie takes place inside Riley's head, where we see five of her emotions:  Joy, Sadness, Disgust, Anger and Fear, affect her day to day life.  The ingenuity of this comes from how even the simplest decision and behavior was governed by these five emotions, and the way our behavior fits and was adapted in this odd world.  You see, these five emotions uses a console to influence Riley's behavior, create memories and generally do day to day things like stimulate the imagination, recall memories and daydream.  So when stuff goes haywire and Joy and Sadness are thrown out of the headquarters into the wider consciousness, Riley acts very weird in the real world.  Joy and Sadness have to travel back and while these are generally the scenes where the film's pacing can slow down and the humor isn't as stellar, it still manages to hold your attention.  Sadness was an annoying character in the beginning but you begin to understand her and her place in Riley's head.  Then there was the extremely sad scene of seeing one of the characters go.  It was a great emotional ride and Inside Out holds deeper themes than you would expect.

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