Thursday, March 9, 2017

Toy Review: Transformers Generations Titans Return Kickback

Review:  #366
Name:  Kickback
Brand:  Transformers
Allegiance:  Decepticon
Line:  Generations - Titans Return
Year of Release:  2016
Size Class:  Legends (Wave 3)
Mold Status:  new


Kickback stays faithful to his G1 incarnation and transforms into a mechanical black, purple and gold grasshopper.

Surprisingly at this small size, this mode is really good and looks fantastic.

Kickback is a bit small and spindly but isn't too tiny to the point of feeling fragile (above is comparison against Reveal the Shield Windcharger).

As with all Titans Return toys, Kickback comes with a card showcasing the artwork.

The wings are on a balljoint and hinge combination, making is very versatile in movement range.

You can open up the back cover to reveal a space for a Titan Master to sit in.  It's a nice and unobtrusive bit of interactivity with other figures within the line.

A strong alternate mode and the clear plastic used just sweetens the deal.


In this small size, Kickback's transformation is naturally fairly simple.  The only tricky part going from robot mode to grasshopper mode is tabbing the robot arms together to form the abdomen since you need to get the angle just right.


Kickback's robot mode is equally good although the arms are a tad bit too long to look naturally.

The major source of kibble, and it is always the problem with insect transformations, are the insect legs.  They generally tuck away without hindrance onto his back.  The way the rear insect legs tuck into the shins to form the heelspurs is ingenious.

The headsculpt is good although the antenna are very long.  The head can turn from side to side.

Kickback remains short and spindly in this mode which suits the character but makes him feel a bit more fragile due to the many balljoints.

Articulation is excellent and he can hold a variety of poses.

Poseability is Kickback's main source of play value in this mode as he lacks any other gimmicks.  The color scheme is nice.

He lacks any handheld weaponry which is a shame, although you can pose the wings in many creative ways.

An excellent robot mode.


Kickback is a fantastic figure with the biggest negative being the small stature in robot mode.  Otherwise, he has two great modes and a lot of articulation which is always a plus.  Kickback is worthwhile at full price but even more so if you can get him on sale.


For other toy reviews, have a look at this page.
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