Thursday, January 24, 2019

Ratchet & Clank (PS4)

Ratchet & Clank is a re-imagining of the first game in the series, which was originally for the PS2.  Its release was timed to coincide with the animated film of the same name, and is the first game in the series for the PS4.  First off, Ratchet & Clank looks absolutely astonishing.  The games on the PS3 already looked fantastic but this PS4 game notches it up even more.  The vibrant colors and details in its deceptively simple design truly surprise you.  If you have a HDR TV, then be sure to check out the HDR because it makes the game look even better.

The game is a third-person shooter / platformer hybrid and like the previous games, it is a blast to play.  Smashing all the crates in order to gain bolts is so addictive and satisfying.  Ratchet can strafe with a weapon and with the target lock-on (which you can turn off), it perfectly complements the fast paced crazy action.  The core of the game is the various zany weapons.  Ratchet starts off with his trusty wrench but will quickly gain access to various weapons including the hilarious Groovitron which makes enemies dance and Mr Zurkon who laughs maniacally as he strikes enemies, to more conventional weapons like the flamethrower and blaster.

Tied to each weapon is a level, which increases the more you use it.  Leveling up will increase its abilities, making it more powerful.  You will also gain Raritanium during gameplay which is used to upgrade your weapons further, improving various attributes like rate of fire, ammo capacity and range.  Swapping weapons is as simple as holding down a button and then selecting your weapon using a radial menu.  Opening up the weapon selection menu pauses the onscreen action so you are never pressured to pick your options quickly.  You'll have to run, jump, aim and shoot all at the same time and the game plays smoothly without any interruptions.  Ratchet just feels so good to control.

The other aspect is the platforming.  Initially, Ratchet is only able to double jump but with the help of Clank, he'll eventually gain additional abilities like hovering, grabbing onto ledges and swinging from grappling points.  If you have played the first game, then most of the levels will be very familiar, right down to the layouts and enemies.  Thanks to the significantly improved graphics and modernization of gameplay elements from later games, the game still feels fresh and not a simple like-for-like retread.

During certain sections, you'll be able to control Clank.  In Clank's sections, the emphasis is not on combat but rather on puzzle platform play.  It's never too hard and can be a nice break between the more intense gunfights.  In addition to the mainstay Gold Bolts that are hidden in environments for Ratchet to collect, there is the addition of Holocards.  These Holocards are scattered in other hidden areas and also randomly from defeated enemies.

The story is an origin story of how Ratchet meets Clank.  They team up and join the Galactic Rangers as they aim to stop President Drek from invading other planets.  Ratchet and Clank travel from planet to planet, along with other supporting characters such as Captain Quark.  Notably, this re-imagining improves upon the dynamic between Ratchet and Clank.  No longer is Ratchet giving Clank a hard time and this is a lot for the better and makes both characters much more likable.  As all the voice actors used are returning ones from previous games, the re-imagining works quite well.  However, at the end of the day, the game doesn't bring anything new to the series apart from better graphics.  All the gadgets that Ratchet has we have seen before.  All his weapons, even the new ones, aren't that different.

While there are plenty of in-game cutscenes, the game does use some scenes from the movie.  The in-game cutscenes tries its hardest to match the fluid and smooth animations but you can still tell the difference.  It doesn't detract too much though.  However, like the film, it kind of lacks the soul and charm of the previous games.  There just isn't that much of the clever humor you've come to expect from the series.

The graphics are fantastic and the environments are amazing.  While framerate is now locked at 30 FPS (compared to previous games at 60 FPS), it is still smooth and fun.  The earlier levels are short and just when you are getting into the thick of it, it's the end of the level.  Thankfully, the later ones are much longer and more involved, although still very linear and fairly minimal in secret areas.  Overall, Ratchet & Clank is a really fun game.  It's a bright colorful platformer that we don't see much of nowadays.  It polishes all the elements that make Ratchet & Clank games fun, instead of trying to reinvent anything and for that, it succeeds extremely well.


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