Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Avengers: Age of Ultron

Age of Ultron is the eagerly awaited sequel to 2012's The Avengers, and with this much hype surrounding the move, it has a lot of expectations to live up to.  In the grand scheme of things, Age of Ultron delivers.  It is not as fun as the first movie, purely because the novelty of Marvel's team of superheroes have saturated the big screen for a while now, but it was huge fun.  Additions to the cast include Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver and of course, Ultron.  Age of Ultron has bigger set action pieces in which the Avengers' teamwork is demonstrated to great effect.  These set pieces are entertaining and fantastic fun.  However, where Age of Ultron falls down are the scenes inbetween.  Once again, we are forced to sit through the Avengers fighting amongst themselves before resolving their conflicts to team up again in the finale battle.  The movie carries a darker theme and atmosphere than the original, while there are still some good one-liners, it is nowhere near as numerous as you would have expected.  The romance subplot felt shoehorned and forced, as well as the multiple instances of some sort of backstory to the characters, in which they just happen to not mention it until now.  Overall, a worthy sequel but lacks the awe of the original.

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