Saturday, September 19, 2015

Book Review: 07-Ghost Vol. 6

Review:  #517
Title:  07-Ghost Vol. 6
Series:  07-Ghost - 6th volume
Author:  Yuki Amemiya / Yukino Ichihara
Read Before:  no
Comments:  is a clear step up in the story; this sixth volume was much more interesting than the previous five volumes combined.  Teito does what he needs to do to purify the Hausen House and there are a lot of revelation of the Land of Seele and the objective of Teito.  This makes the plot suddenly go from blandness to intriguing and it keeps you reading until the end of the last page.  There are still some confusing elements such as an overuse of flashbacks and scenes where you can’t tell what is happening.  Otherwise, 07-Ghost is finally showing some promise.
Rating:  6/10

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