Monday, February 8, 2016


Starring one of the lesser well-known superheroes from Marvel, Ant-Man's powers are pretty cool.  However, his powers only comes from his suit, lose the suit and you lose the powers.  The film itself doesn't have too many scenes in which Ant-Man gets to use his powers in fights due to the origin story nature of the plot.  When he does get his chance though, the ways he uses his powers is clever and innovative, particularly the climax fights where it was quite cool.  The main supervillain gets limited screen time though which somewhat sucks.  The film also spends a lot of time with dialogue, they are relevant but you can't help but wish something more exciting was happening.  It also nicely ties into the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the events of Avengers:  Age of Ultron.  You wouldn't have expected it since it doesn't mention anything at all until it throws reference after reference followed by an interesting fight.  Overall, the story is quite simple but the way it danced around it and the potential made the film fun.

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