Friday, February 22, 2013

Toy Review: Transformers Generations Fall of Cybertron Starscream

Review:  #127
Name:  Starscream
Brand:  Transformers
Allegiance:  Decepticon
Line:  Generations - Fall of Cybertron
Year of Release:  2012
Size Class:  Deluxe (Wave 3)
Variations:  repainted in the JP line as Skywarp


Starscream transforms into a Cybertronian jet with two huge gatling guns underneath the wings.  He has his signature colours of red, blue and grey.

While the general shape is quite good, the back falls apart since that's where his legs and arms are.  The legs don't look too close to thrusters and there's a gap between the legs.

The head is visible, albeit face down, it's still obvious.  There's also a gap in the fuselage, which is apparently game-accurate but it doesn't mean that it looks good.

This is a very chunky jet, thanks to the chunky legs that store on the sides.  You can also detach the tailfin, attach the combined gun and put the tailfin back on (although I haven't got a photo of this).

Starscream is a good size, although he feels lighter than you'd expect thanks to the largely hollow legs.

A nice jet.  The design isn't too far-fetched and it looks great.


It's a very simply transformation, so much that when you're done, you think, "is that it?".  The way the arms store feels lame and inelegant.  The way the torso forms/the nose folds down was slightly different to other jet-formers, and thus provided some interests.  Overall, a fairly disappointing transformation since it contained nothing we haven't seen before.


Starscream's robot mode is once again game-accurate, right down to the chunky legs.

Just like in jet mode, you can remove the tailfin and place the combined gun on his back to store it.

The head sculpt is good, and although I didn't like it at first, it has grown on me.  The head cannot lift up even though it's on a balljoint.  Turning it side to side can be tricky since the two shoulder pads get in the way.

Starscream is around the height of a standard Deluxe (think the Classics seekers mold).  As mentioned, his legs are largely hollow.

The thing I hate most about this robot is the way his torso is hollow since that is where the arms store in jet mode.  I hated it when it was present on Terradive, and I hate it now.  Wished the designer could have found a way to cover this empty gap.

Starscream comes with twin gatling guns, and they look formidable (thanks to their large size).

One of the best features in this figure is that the two guns can combine together (apparently resembling the neutron assault rifle from the Fall of Cybertron game).  There are gears that connect and spinning one of the barrels with automatically spin the other, a neat gimmick.

Starscream can hold the combined gun two-handed, but it severely limits his arm articulation.

The other options are to keep the guns separate and you can either have him hold the guns in his hand or attach them to holes on the outside of his forearms.

If you would rather Starscream have proper facing elbows then that's no problem either, thanks to rotating wrists.

The articulation is good.  His arms have a great range of motion.  His legs seem to be more limited, just mainly because of how big and awkward his legs are (which can cause some balance issues on more dynamic poses).

The colors are well done here, evoking the character.  All paint applications are in good spots, enhancing the figure instead of looking tacky and awkward.

A good robot mode.  I wouldn't say it's spectacular but it does the job.


Personally, I think as a new mold, Starscream feels slightly disappointing.  From the chunky jet to the hollow feel of the robot mode, it just feels that he didn't deliver.  The transformation feels very simple, and it doesn't feel as if they have improved too much on the concept from the Classics days.  I'd say, only get this toy if the character appeals to you and while he has grown on me, I think there are better designed toys elsewhere.


Other Transformers reviews can be found here.
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