Saturday, January 21, 2012

Book Review: Black Cat Volume 4: One-Day Darling

Review:  #140
Title:  Black Cat Volume 4:  One-Day Darling
Series:  Black Cat - 4th volume
Author:  Kentaro Yabuki
Read Before:  no
My Comments:  It’s probably coz I’m reading this out of sync, but this volume wasn't as exciting as the latter ones.  The back story of how Sven got his vision eye was quite good, in fact, I think it’s better than Train’s story with Saya.  It got quite exciting when Train started to face off Lugart Won, the fight scenes were good, but it was kinda ruined when the dinosaur appeared.  Yes, there was a lot of fights (and Eve uses her Angel Wings transformation for the first time) and it was fairly good, but I just find that a dinosaur appearing didn't really fit the mood of the arc.
Rating:  7/10
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