Sunday, June 19, 2016

Book Review: Battle of the Beasts

Review:  #583
Title:  Battle of the Beasts
Series:  House of Secrets - 2nd book
Author:  Chris Columbus and Ned Vezzini
Read Before:  no
Comments:  Battle of the Beasts is a good follow up to House of Secrets, and it follows the three Walker siblings once again as they are thrust into the fantasy world of novels written by Kristoff.  Of course, it begins back in the real world and it actually takes a fair while before things get rolling and they finally travel into the fantasy world.  Once in the world, events happen one after another although it starts to paint a selfish view of some of the characters.  Despite all these events happening, Battle of Beasts never feels like its plot elevates enough tension to be exciting and leave you craving for more.  Instead, it just feels as if things happen and there's no real consequences behind each one because you know that everything will turn out fine and there's no mystery in how the problems will be solved.  That said, the twist in which the fantasy world they are thrown in is a mish-mash of three different novels is neat and leaves some unpredictability in the plot.  The climax was disappointing and lacks resolution, especially with the villain, the Wind Witch.  Despite the Wind Witch being a massive threat early one, she pretty much disappears later on and when she does reappear at the end, the is defeated with a whimper.  Overall, Battle of the Beasts is above average but lacks an addictive plot and engaging characters.
Rating:  6.5/10

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