Sunday, July 3, 2016

Book Review: Percy Jackson and the Greek Heroes

Review:  #586
Title:  Percy Jackson and the Greek Heroes
Series:  Percy Jackson and the Olympians - companion book
Author:  Rick Riordan
Read Before:  no
Comments:  This is a compilation of short stories which retell some of the famous Greek myths and stories that focuses upon the heroes.  These heroes include Hercules and his twelve labors, Jason and his quest for the golden fleece and Daedalus with his labyrinth and infamous escape on wings along with his son Icarus.  It’s a book that doesn’t take itself too seriously because it is a retelling of stories from the viewpoint of Percy Jackson himself, so expect a lot of jokes, pop culture references and informality.  On the whole, the stories are great and it is very interesting.  Unfortunately, it feels as if the author tries too hard to make it relevant and modern, as there are too many pop culture references and at times, too informal which ruins the feel.  The style of writing will make it seem that there is some loss of respect for these stories and characters with the way they are rewritten.  Nevertheless, there is an excellent selection of stories and it’s great to learn about their full exploits, even if some elements are skimmed due to page length restrictions.  Percy Jackson and the Greek Heroes presents better stories and writing compared to Greek Gods and is enjoyable.
Rating:  7/10

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