Sunday, July 28, 2024

Toy Review: Transformers Generations Studio Series Concept Art Megatron (Leader)

Name:  Megatron
Brand:  Transformers
Allegiance:  Decepticon
Line:  Generations - Studio Series
Year of Release:  2024
Size Class:  Deluxe (Wave 14)
Mold Status:  new


This figure is based upon the concept art from the Bumblebee movie, which only had robot mode, thus the vehicle modes are original.

The jet mode looks okay at first glance but then when you have him in hand, or look closer, you can see the flaws, being that there are a huge amount of robot kibble.

Make no mistake, this is a chunky jet.  It's a block with small wings, some thrusters, and a small cockpit.  Being so compact in this mode, he is approximately the size of a Voyager figure.

You can see the gigantic amount of kibble underneath the figure, which are the robot arms and the cannon.  The saving grace here are is the nice shade of grey and black plastics used, along with the metallic silver highlights.

As mentioned, there are dedicated jet elements, although they're small and feels like an afterthought.

The cannon can detach from the bottom so that you can plug it on the top, but it'll be off center, and it ruins the already poor aerodynamics.

As a mode where you don't put too much attention in, this is passable, but it is far from being good.


Megatron is surprisingly involved when transforming between modes, considering two of the modes are pretty poor and is basically a folded up robot.  He has tight joints, so when you try to pull out the tank treads from his thighs, it is difficult.  To get from jet mode to tank mode, the wings, which are the robot legs, form the tank treads and plug onto the side.  The arms, which were underneath the wings now flip up and join together at the top to form the turret.  You can then fold the cockpit away.


Inspired by the unreleased Animated Marauder Megatron, Concept Art Megatron is a triple changer!!  His second alternate mode is a tank and while this is better than the jet mode, it's still not amazing.

There is a lot of robot sculpting here, since apart from the tank treads and the cannon, there are no dedicated tank parts.  More of the metallic silver comes out here though and it does add a nice premium feel to the figure.

Again, he is approximately Voyager sized.

The turret is situated quite far back, but it can rotate and lift up and down.

You might have expected small plastic wheels beneath the treads so you can roll him along a flat surface but he doesn't actually have them.  He only has plastic nubs to let him rest flat.

To be fair, at least he is pegged solidly in this mode so he doesn't come apart in your hands when you handle him.

It's an okay mode, probably below average to be honest, so that's two modes that failed so far...


This is complex, especially for such poor alternate modes.  However, it is also interesting and cleverly designed.  The treads and sides of the tank mode becomes his legs.  The upper turret forms the arms, and the middle of the tank forms the torso.


Okay, this is where Megatron completely shines and he blows you out the water with how amazing he is.  He has a unique aesthetic that makes it feel like he isn't even a Transformer sometimes.

He doesn't have much kibble, everything folds nicely away, you probably won't even realise he can transform at first glance.

The head sculpt is a bit busy, but carries a menacing hollow look.

Unfortunately, despite being a Leader classed figure, he is really only the size of a Voyager, or barely a bit taller.  Most of the budget went into making him a triple changer.  He is more complex than a standard Voyager, and he has some really nice paint applications.

As part of the Studio Series line, he comes with a cardboard stand, depicting a scene from Cybertron.

His main weapon is his cannon, which can also fold up to store on his back.

He is worthy of the Leader price point because you can tell how much more complex and parts he has.  A perfect example are his hands, which are jointed as well as the larger Masterpiece toys.  He has joints for his index finger, his other fingers, and his thumbs.

The cannon pegs onto his arm and that's about all the gimmicks in this mode.

Instead, Megatron revels in how good he looks, and how poseable he is.  He has joints for his head, shoulders, elbows, wrists, fingers, waist, hips, knees and ankles.

He has big feet so he can hold plenty of action poses.

The only slightly awkward thing is that his cannon is attached to a panel which then attaches to his arm, so it can look off.

He has a large amount of silver metallic paint, which pairs nicely with the red highlights, as well as the dark grey plastics used.

Megatron feels extremely premium in your hands, and while he does have hollow parts, they are not obvious.

A fantastic robot mode and one that is near perfection.


Megatron is an amazing figure.  Well, he has an amazing robot mode, which is perfect in terms of its aesthetics, design and paint.  He's held back by two poor vehicle modes, but to be fair, they are ancillary to the robot mode anyway.  Despite being a little bit small, he feels he is worth the Leader classed price point due to the complexity, the solid build, and the premium paint finish.


For other Transformers reviews, have a look at this page and this page.

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