The Hasbro version here actually uses a darker transparent blue plastic, it works well for the windshield but not for the headlights. The dark colour masks the detail that is sculpted in the headlights. The lack of paint on the robot mode forearms works well here, as there are no random outbursts of colour among the red on the sides of the car.
The back looks really bland and bare without any paint, there's a lot of sculpted detail, just nothing to bring it out.
The only place where Rodimus retains chrome is his side exhausts.
Being painted silver, the engine piece will less likely have chips in it, as it will wear down due to transformation.
One aesthetic complaint about the vehicle is that the front tapers to an end, there's nothing wrong with that idea, just that in this case, it's too thin, making it look a bit weird and out of proportion.
The rims are left unpainted plastic (slightly disappointing), and you can also see how the front of the car on my doesn't align quite right.
Plugging the other gun into the engine, in my opinion, this guns look better due to the sleeker and sharper design.
You can also plug in the combined gun, but more likely than not, it will sag down due to the weight (the engine is on a spring).
Side profile with Offshoot on the engine, you can also see the spoiler slightly sagged down on it's joint (happens in robot mode too).
Side profile of the individual guns, the Hasbro version has paint on it, and I think it looks good, even the blue which many don't really like. You know, once you've seen how awesome and long the combined gun it, the individual components look so short and weak.
The top of the combined gun, it was actually fairly annoying combining it for the first time as things were catching against each other.
The combined gun also sports two handles, and Rodimus is able to wield it double handed.
The two sides of the Matrix is sculpted differently. One side has a larger transparent blue centre, while the other one is smaller, the smaller one is for display when it's open.
The larger side opened...
The smaller side opened, there are some details sculpted on the plastic surrounding the orb that imitates the rays that are revealed when the Matrix is open (too dark to see in the above photo).
Offshoot is a stocky robot with a well stature, the way his arms are moulded make it seem that he's quite powerful and ready for a fight.
I don't think I've mentioned that his head can turn from side to side as well. The knees are situated a bit lower than usual but it's something really minor.
You can pose him to shoot his back guns in classic G1 style (like the Combaticons did in the cartoon).
The back of the gun mode, where there is a bit of a gap.
I do wish the barrels were longer so it'll look more impressive.
Even with the spoiler fully pushed up on it's sliding hinge, it is still a bit hard to see from the front, it's not especially prominent.
Rodimus has a lot of ratcheting joints, and a couple of swivels, as such, all his joints are nice and tight.
I like how the chrome pipes end up on the back of his legs, and also the wheels are pushed in, so they don't jut out.
He is way taller than a Deluxe, but Rodimus just kind of lacks some mass and bulk, compared to some recent movie toys, he doesn't have as many moving parts and panels.
I love how you can position the exhaust as a gun like in the 1986 movie.
Even better with his visor down and firing on both arms.
The start of the process of interchanging his hand with the connecting attachment for his tools.
A different angle on his saw.
Anyway, that's it, again I think Rodimus is a great toy and well worth the money you're shelling out for him. This Hasbro release has fixed all the major quality control issues from the Japanese release, and he looks different enough that you can buy both (one to display as Rodimus and the other as Hot Rod maybe?).