Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Toy Review: Transformers Generations Titans Return Hot Rod & Firedrive

Review:  #354
Name:  Hot Rod
Brand:  Transformers
Allegiance:  Autobot
Line:  Generations - Titans Return
Year of Release:  2016
Size Class:  Deluxe (Wave 3)
Mold Status:  new


Hot Rod's Titan Master is Firedrive (a name change from his G1 Targetmaster Firebolt).  Unfortunately, Firedrive suffers from Hasbro's budget and doesn't have any paint at all.  To make things worse, he has cast completely in the grey plastic which makes him super bland and hard to pick out any details.

Ironically, he has a much more colorful back, since it's the larger robot's face.

The headsculpt on Firedrive is okay.  The grey makes him look really bland though.  He has the standard articulation of restricted shoulders, head and legs.


As is expected from Hot Rod, he transforms into a futuristic sports car, with a large yellow spoiler and a blue wraparound windshield.

Surprisingly, the back of the vehicle is pretty decent.  Instead of a gappy mess with exposed robot parts, it has well defined exhaust and vents.

In terms of size, Hot Rod is a Deluxe and he feels solid in your hands.  Above is compared against Prime Rumble.

Hot Rod also comes with a card showing off the artwork on the packaging.

A comparison against Masterpiece Hot Rodimus.  Both are representing the same character, but takes a different approach.  Titans Return Hot Rod's vehicle mode's proportions seems off in the beginning what with the smaller windshield and less tapered front, but it'll grow on you and makes for a very nice sports car.

His robot gun can attach on top of the exposed engine block, which is a neat throwback to the character and toy.

Of course, the gun is designed such that you can place a Targetmaster on top.

Furthermore, the windshield can open up to reveal a seat for Firedrive, which fits in quite snuggly.

There are some ports on the side such that you can attach the gun there as well.

The unpainted grey exhaust hurts the figure quite a bit, since he's well painted in other areas.

A surprisingly good vehicle mode that looks better than more you fiddle around with him.


Getting Hot Rod into robot mode is an easy affair.  He transforms like most other Hot Rod's, the back of the vehicle unfolds to become his legs, the sides his arms (with half of the side exhausts along with it to form his forearm guns/weapons) and the front folds down to form his chest.  A simple tucking away of part of the front creates a unique looking shape for his torso.


Initially, Hot Rod's robot mode has some proportion issues.  The arms seem too long and the body seem too elongated.

His back as expected holds most of the roof of the car, with the rear solidly pegging onto his back to give him his iconic outline.

The headsculpt is quite good.  Since he has a rounded head, the Titan Master's arms can be seen stick out the top and it makes him look like he has horns.  It works quite well surprisingly enough.

Due to his transformation, Hot Rod is quite tall in this mode.

He's quite clearly designed more for play than display, especially when compared to his Masterpiece incarnation.

His articulation is solid, including a waist swivel.  It's a bit disappointing the sides of the car cover the outside of his hands as it hides them and makes the arms seem even longer than they are.

It's also a shame that he lacks wrist swivels.

His weapons are a pair of guns which looks pretty good despite being half hollow.

He can hold a gun in each hand and their length makes them look quite powerful.

If you wish, you can also combine the two guns into a single larger gun but the tradeoff is a larger gap since it is designed to fit a Titan Master in it.

If you do combine it, the handles are only on the side so it looks awkwardly large in his hands.

If you really wished it, you can also attached the combined gun onto the side of his arms and get a Titan Master to sit there.

Being mostly red and yellow, the unpainted grey isn't as detracting.

A surprisingly versatile robot mode that's fun to play with.


Hot Rod was a surprise of Wave 3.  Despite not being as great as Twinferno or Triggerhappy, he is a solid figure in his own right.  The vehicle mode is decent and grows on you, while the robot mode is a lot more solid and fun than expected.  He is an all-round simple and fun Deluxe.  He's worth a purchase if you're interested in the character.


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