Review: #3
Name: Sunspot
Brand: Transformers
Allegiance: Decepticon
Line: Autobot Alliance
Year of Release: 2010
Size Class: Scout (Wave 3)
Variations: Sunspot is a repaint of ROTF Skystalker, which was also repainted into the Tokyo Show exclusive Smokescreen
Sunspot transforms into a stealth jet that is loosely based on the BAE Corax, although you might wonder how a bright yellow and white plane can be stealthy. Nevertheless, for some reason, I like this colour scheme more than Skystalker's, I find it more refreshing and unique.
Sunspot's cockpit (if it can be called as such) is his robot head, it's executed well, and you dont really notice it. It fits into the theme (for some odd reason) and it feels like the plane is a living being instead of just a machine (like most Transformers). His hands do hang out from the back and are visible, but it isn't too noticeable. His feet (part of his engines) do hang off a bit off the bottom, again, this isn't too noticeable.
He features landing gear... of sorts. He has proper front landing gear, albeit oversized, and there are actually rolling wheels (which is rare especially for this size class, as landing gear is usually just molded in), but his rear landing gear is just two posts (that cannot retract), these two posts is part of a gimmick with ROTF Mindwipe.
A great plane mode in terms of shape, the size and look actually makes this a bit cute in my eyes, especially with the drone eye for a cockpit. The colours may be a bit dubious, but I like it. I dont mind the lack of landing gear as this is only a scout class figure.
This mode is achieved by just pulling down and extending the legs, it's more of a gerwalk mode instead. This is an official mode, as the instructions depict this transformation.
Not much can be said about this mode, it's very stable actually and looks alright from the front, particularly with the drone eye, making this more lively, although it does look like a chicken.
I can see why this was not depicted on the packaging nor was it shown when the original mold, Skystalker, was announced, since it's not really a true third mode, more of a intermediate mode, part way through the transformation. Still, it adds an extra dimension to the toy, and makes it just a bit more fun.
Sunspot has a very simple and yet, elegant transformation, that I really like. This makes him really fun and quick to go from mode to mode. It's very intuitive actually, but the weapons that clip on the wings can throw you off the first time (the axe/hooks weapon blends in too well with the wings). The joints for the landing gear and front of the jet was really tight which made it hard to transform. I would watch out with the legs as they do flip down a bit more than they seem.
A nice, attractive little robot, but some might be bothered by the legs (I was), especially the knees as they are attached to the inside of the lower leg. In real person though, they're not bad and I just love the bright colours on him, for a repaint, he's really appealing to me.
His feet are spring loaded, meaning it'll automatically retract when you lift him off the table or whatever he's standing on. This does make him a bit annoying (and why I was hesitant at first when grabbing him, but the cheap price won me over), but surprisingly, he's quite stable. His wings form a nice cape on the back.
As mentioned earlier, his feet retracts when lifted up, this wasn't so bad when I realised that this could be interpreted as him flying (his legs serving as rocket boosters of some sort).
He has two axes or hooks (depending on what you prefer, really), and they look really nice and deadly, and the yellow lines up on the blade so that's a bonus. They normally peg onto the open palm (via a peg and hole system) so it looks like Sunspot's holding it. Another way would be clipping it onto his forearms, so it looks quite wicked. It's clipped via the 3mm clip system, so other toys utilising this gimmick can use these hooks (like Windcharger).
His head is nice, with the silver paint (Skystalker's wasn't painted) and really makes the head stand out. The cockpit as his chest looks very natural and good there, it's very flush against the body which is a plus.
As you might have noticed in the last few pictures, I positioned his wings 'up'. This makes him look more intimidating in my opinion and also more imposing, bringing out the details on the underside of the wings. Since the wings are attached on balljoints in the arms, moving the arms in any way will need readjusting of the wings (a bit annoying, but neccessary).
Sunspot is very poseable, with balljoints pretty much everywhere, while his knees are hinged, there are swivels higher up, so he's got the full range of motion. His head can tilt up or down in addition to the ball joint, he's perfect for posing (that is... except for this spring loading feet).
Sunspot's a very good size, about a head taller than some other recent scouts like Breacher and Windcharger, although this isn't an indication of anything as he's quite skinny.
A great little scout class figure, with a realistic jet mode and an awesome robot mode. Sunspot has a stack of play value with the gerwalk mode and also the variety of ways to clip of the weapon (you can even leave it in the wings as storage). The colours are up to one's tastes but the mold is good, an excellent toy.
Credits: review and pictures are mine, I've linked a few and Wikipedia in the review for your reference.
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