Monday, August 3, 2015

Book Review: 07-Ghost Vol. 4

Review:  #506
Title: 07-Ghost Vol. 4
Series:  07-Ghost - 4th volume
Author:  Yuki Amemiya / Yukino Ichihara
Read Before:  no
Comments:  This volume finishes off Ayanami’s attack on Teito to get the Eye of Mikael.  However, the big event in this volume is the bishop exam.  Flaws from previous volumes still remain, being that the drawing style can make it hard to see what is actually happening in the frames.  The mood also changes from frame to frame such that it can be all serious right now then in the next frame a slapstick joke happens before going back to serious, which feels weird.  The bishop exam doesn’t feel that meaningful or clever, being quite predictable.  Overall, fourth volume in and it still doesn’t feel as though you are being sucked in.
Rating:  6/10

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