Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Knights of Sidonia: Battle for Planet Nine

Sidonia no Kishi:  Daikyuu Wakusei Seneki, translated as Knights of Sidonia:  Battle for Planet Nine for the English speaking world, is the second season of the stellar Knights of Sidonia from 2014.  Comprising of 12 episodes, with the same slick and unique animation, delivering a great story and making you eager for more.  As a quick background, this anime takes place in the future where aliens known as gauna has destroyed Earth, leading humanity to go out to space in massive self sustaining ships in search for a hospitable planet to start again.  Sidonia might well be the last human ship in existence.  In order to protect themselves from the gauna, giant robots controlled by a pilot called Gardes were created.  What adds complication to defeating a gauna is the fact that they can only be destroyed by a rare substance known as kabi.

Continuing soon after the last season, the first episode is filled with events that would have heavy repercussions through the remaining season.  Kunato's curiosity gets the better of him and he investigates the hidden sections of his mansion, much to his detriment.  This creates a chain of events which pushes the story ahead much faster than you'd expect.  By the end of the first episode, there is already a marked change in the atmosphere.  However, you are left to wonder what was the point of some of the build up in the first season when it ends up not being important anyway.  Granted, it has some shock value and emphasizes the heavy consequences, but still doesn't take away from the fact that it was pointless.

Reviews put a lot of focus on how this second season had the Gardes on the offensive and having better action sequences as a result of setting up base on Planet Nine.  For the whole season though Sidonia is still travelling through space and while their final aim is to reach Planet Nine, they don't make it there until the very last scene in the last episode.  The anime also glosses over a lot of unfinished subplots leftover from the first season and while no doubt it'll be resolved in future seasons, it sucks that you're still left wondering what happened to the Hoshijiro placenta or what the Captain's motives are.  Then, Knights of Sidonia throws further subplots into the mix which once again, are left hanging by the finale.  Season 2 felt lacking in a way.  Sure, there are good fight scenes and heaps of character development, but it lacked the desperate defense of the original.

The pacing felt off since it starts off strong but then slows down a lot in favor of relationship building before it rapidly increases the pacing for a finale in an effort to push out the final planned story arc.  One other thing that is noticeable is that Battle for Planet Nine has a lot more slapstick humor in it.  Not to mention the abundant inclusion of the type of humor common in anime relating to misunderstanding between the characters, Takinaze seeing stuff that he shouldn't and the female leads (Yuhata, Izana and Tsumugi) getting jealous towards each other for Takinaze.  It should be noted that Takinaze is creating a significant fanbase, with affections displayed by other secondary characters such as the Honoka sisters and Samari, the squad leader.  This type of humor was all absent from the first season so it feels different here, but welcome as it presents a nice break from the seriousness.

As mentioned earlier, while the first season was more on Sidonia reacting against gauna attacks, this is not so much the case here.  There is a lack of strategy elements that was apparent in the first season.  We don't see much of the Gardes fighting different types of gauna and how they react and adapt to each of the gauna's changes.  This was what made each battle unique and exciting, causing you to anticipate the next battle, it's not the case anymore.  The story takes a turn to focus heavily upon Takinaze's relationships and builds up his and Izana's romantic feelings.  This takes place during the middle of the season and some people will feel that the pacing slowed too much.  It is still interesting and this is where most of the humor shines.

Izana has grown to be even more likable as a character and you will definitely root for her.  There are some extremely funny scenes involving the pair as they struggle to reveal their feelings.  The other big focus of Season 2 is Sidonia's experimental weapon developments.  Kunato is at the helm of things and the type of weapons they pull out and introduced are interesting.  Gardes are constantly being upgraded with the next prototype weapon.  Unfortunately, this makes the fight scenes fall into a scenario where the conventional weapons are not that effective, and you're waiting to see the big reveal of the next new weapon.  It feel as if it is falling back upon a gimmick during every battle.

There is a distinct lacking of shock factor.  There are no meaningful or impactful deaths.  Only randoms die since the main cast is well established enough that you feel comfortable none of them will die.  That doesn't stop you from worrying just a little bit that they might pull out a twist and kill off Izana though.  Also missing are the epic showdowns where the teamwork of all the pilots shine.  It would have been great if there was a similarly emotionally evoking scene such as all the Gardes forming a defensive wall or everyone arriving to save the day.  There are still grand saving moments but most of the time, Takinaze is way too overpowered, he is always the one to save the day.

The final episodes spices things up and goes out with a bang, as you'd expect.  It doesn't live up to expectations since it is a limited one versus all type of fight between Takinaze and an army of gaunas.  The stakes aren't as high, sure, he is fighting for his and his friends' lives, but compared to the whole of Sidonia being destroyed, the battle isn't as tense.  The ending of the last episode here it plays the clips from both seasons along with the theme Sidonia by angela evokes a longing feeling deep within you.  This is a true sign of a series that you don't want to end.  Battle for Planet Nine introduces so many new things in the world of Sidonia that it blows your mind.  It was a fantastic experience and the story is very engaging.  Like with the first season, after watching this, you will seriously hope that there will be more episodes coming.  Definitely worth watching!


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