Saturday, December 5, 2015

Book Review: 07-Ghost Vol. 15

Review:  #536
Title:  07-Ghost Vol. 15
Series: 07-Ghost - 15th volume
Author:  Yuki Amemiya / Yukino Ichihara
Read Before:  no
Comments:  Once Ouka realizes who she is and accepts herself, the rest of the volume gets hectic.  Big chunks of flashbacks occur and it is very confusing in terms of the relative timeframe it’s showing.  We finally find out who the traitorous Ghost is, as well as where they were hiding all this time.  While the revelation is pretty big, it’s offset by the confusing amount of character names that’s thrown at you, to the point where it is hard to distinguish who was the good guy and who was supposed to the be one turned bad that you should feel sadness for.  The fight scenes are confusing and convoluted, the artist opting for poses instead of a naturally flowing battle.  Ignoring all this though and Volume 15 captures your attention with its story developments.
Rating:  6/10

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