A shot of the front of the box. Curiously, the bubble that contained my figure had shattered... When I opened him, the plastic just kinda crumbled off, but who cares, the figure is still good!!!
Top of the box, in which the packaging boasts as to the model of the car this figure is licensed to.
Head on shot of the car, nothing much to say that I haven't done already.
The back of the vehicle, the pictures were taken of the figure straight out of the box, but for some reason, I couldn't snap the back properly together, ruining the look a bit.
A closer look... in which you can clearly see the text "WRX" and "Subaru". Both his number plates have "IMPREZA" on it, well, at least it's better than just an Autobot symbol.
The opening trunk, and there's a small gap in there, so it's pretty good that is simulates a real car's trunk, instead of just revealing crowded robot bits.
The chromed side mirror, already a bit scratched.
Interior from the right side, giving a better look at everything.
The hood with the engine block underneath, it doesn't open too far so it's fairly difficult to see it unless you bend down and look under.
A view head on in robot mode, I don't know whether I did it wrong or not, but it seemed that his hood chest should go down further, otherwise it doesn't look like he has a neck. The promo shots show it a lot better...
A shot of the back, it's pretty clean looking.
A close up of the feet, they ain't so bad but could do with a bit of defining as they just look like big chunks of the car.
Well, that's it, I hope you enjoyed the review and this extra post of photos, hopefully see you in the next review!!!