Review: #27
Name: Overload
Brand: Transformers
Allegiance: Decepticon
Line: Revenge of the Fallen
Year of Release: 2009
Size Class: Legends
Variations: There is a TakaraTomy (i.e. Japanese) version and a Hasbro version, and both companies repainted it into G1 green and purple
Overload transforms into a red articulated dump truck. The only paint here is the black driver's compartment and the brown on the false wheels. Only the first and last pair of wheels roll, but he rolls very well.
Not much to comment here, Overload is seriously lacking in paint, he looks too much like a solid piece of red plastic (well, he is that, but some paint would bring out the sculpted details). Overload is one solid truck, there is no joint in the middle like there would be on the real thing. A long truck, but one that's lacking in painted details.
Overload has a fairly interesting transformation, and fun to transform quickly. I love the ingenuity of using the same transformation joints for the combined mode (he doesn't feature any additional joints for that torso mode).
The robot mode is very short, most of the length of the vehicle mode went into his arms, as such, he has short legs with arms almost touching the ground. It doesn't help that he has a huge claw that hangs above his head.
Overload needs proper hands, and he's not very articulated. Still, I'm partial to the robot mode, as I like the aspects, from the huge shoulder pads to the long arms. The only paint here is his visor, which is painted yellow, too bad it looks down towards the ground. Overload has the least paint out of any figures I have ever seen.
The head is very simple, it is not as detailed, not as great as the other Constructicon Legends. A resulting robot that isn't that much fun to play with, only good for displaying.
The main thing dragging Overload down is paint, he really needs more, as such, he looks like a solid lump of indistinguishable plastic. He is still brilliantly designed, and I like him, but he isn't up there in the ranks of Scrapper and Long Haul. Considering this is the only transforming ROTF Overload toy available, he is worth a purchase.
Additional photos can be found by clicking this link (at another site).
Credit: pictures and text is all mine, but I've linked a few pages to
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