Review: #31
Name: Stealth Bumblebee
Brand: Transformers
Allegiance: Autobot
Line: Revenge of the Fallen
Year of Release: 2010
Size Class: Legends (Wave 6)
Variations: repainted from the normal ROTF Legends Bumblebee mold, it has been repainted numerous times in Autobot Alliance and Dark of the Moon lines.
A primarily black Chevy Concept Camaro with yellow stripes, Stealth Bumblebee has an inverted colour scheme when compared to his normal one. The one difference from the production model is the grill.
This is a really neat car mode, you can clearly see the feet at the back but it is not a big problem, although they do tend to scrap the ground while you're trying to roll him. There are enough painted details, I'm impressed that all the windows are painted. If only they could paint the headlights silver and the backlights red, that would round it out very nicely. Alas, it is still a great Legends vehicle.
Very simple and straightforward, you can do it in less than one minute. Most of the joints are nice and tight and the design is great, you get a sense of achievement after you've finished, something which you rarely get from a Legends classed toy. Although it's by no means ingenious, it works and that's what counts.
Aside from the colours, the robot mode invoke Bumblebee's design really well. If only there were joints for the windows to face the sides instead of straight out the back, otherwise there are hardly anything else to improve.
It is very clean looking from all angles, and I just love the blocky lower legs. The hood as his chest looks very natural and there are a few silver elements. The yellow strips on his shins do look out of place.
The wheels on the outside of his 'fists' works better here, due to it all being black. He only has a thin 'panel' with his fist sculpted on it, on closer inspection it doesn't look that good.
He might look like he has knee joints but he doesn't, due to the sliding mechanism for the transformation.
The head sculpt is great, and there is a tiny Autobot symbol on his forehead, some great detailing there, they even used blue paint for his eyes, wow. A beautifully designed robot, one of the best robot mods I've seen here.
One of the best Legends toys to date, it has amazingly transferred a complex design into such a small scale. I definitely recommend at least one of this mold, he's fairly blocky in stature as well, so it's not at all obvious he is from the movie line.
A couple of more photos can be found at this other site.
Credit: pictures and text is all mine, but I've linked a few pages to
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