Sunday, March 2, 2025

Toy Review: Transformers Generations Legacy United Nucleous (Deluxe)

Name:  Nucleous
Brand:  Transformers
Allegiance:  Autobot
Line:  Generations - Legacy: United
Year of Release:  2024
Size Class:  Deluxe (Wave 3)
Mold Status:  retool of Legacy United Magneous


Nucelous transforms into a white rocky car with thrusters on the back.

There are some gold highlights, and thanks to the gigantic thrusters as well as the predominantly white color scheme, it feels like he is related to space vehicles.

This is a decently sized Deluxe, and he is pretty solid too with no hollow gaps within vehicle mode.

He has four concealed wheels that'll allow him to roll on a flat surface.

Despite being a retool of another figure, the vast majority of him is new sculpting, so he looks very different.  If you like the rocky aesthetic, then this is a great vehicle.


He is an Armorizer, meaning he can split into parts to add weaponry and armor to other figures.  However, unless previous similar efforts, he doesn't need to partsform at all.  He transforms like normal, on the caveat that sometimes you might pull something off as the parts are only attached via 5mm pegs.  Anyway, the back unfolds to become the legs.  The sides fold out for the arms, and you fold the front wheels in to form the torso.


Nueclous has a little bit of a knight theme going on, and his robot mode is equally as rocky and unique as his vehicle mode.

The back has the vehicle roof as a backpack, although you can remove this if you you want.  That's about the only piece of unwanted kibble here.

The head sculpt is nice, and the head is surprisingly big.  The two front wheels folding into his torso is a unique design element that you don't see much of.

Size-wise, he is approximately the height of a standard Deluxe, although maybe it's the plastic used, or the chunkier nature of him, but he feels more solid and substantial.

Articulation is great, with joints for his head, shoulders, elbows, wrists, waist, hips, knees and ankles.  He has the works.

The two thrusters in vehicle mode can now combine into a club for him to hold.

Additionally, as mentioned earlier, the vehicle's roof can be removed from his back and held in his hand as a type of shield.  Although he doesn't hold it like a normal shield, so it doesn't look too good there.

This is highlighted in the instructions, but the winglets on either side of the vehicle mode can either stay where they are (and end up behind the forearms) or you can attach them behind the shins, to kind of fill them up?  It feels a bit pointless to be honest.

The combination of white, grey, silver and a splash of gold might not excite you, but it actually works really well here.

An awesome robot mode, and his articulation is something to be impressed about.


Nucleous can split into several pieces that you can use to attach to other figures.

Per the official instructions, not everything is used, only the smaller pieces which is really old.  Most of the body / torso is not used at all.


Nucleous doesn't get the benefit of being a well known character (in fact, he's completely new), so he has to rely on being a good figure to compensate.  Thankfully, if you are a fan of the rocky aesthetics, then he is a great figure and a lot of fun to play with.


For other Transformers reviews, have a look at this page and this page.

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