Review: #32
Name: Soundwave
Brand: Transformers
Allegiance: Decepticon
Line: Revenge of the Fallen
Year of Release: 2009
Size Class: Legends (Wave 5)
Variations: repainted for a black coloured Japanese exclusive and also repainted in the DOTM packaged with a Legends Bumblebee and Rodimus
Soundwave transforms into a satellite that is fairly accurate to the onscreen representation, with the two solar panels, and three 'sections' underneath. He has a brightly painted blue head (like the one in the movie) that sticks out like a sore thumb, they shouldn't have used such a glaring bright colour...
You can see the head on the panel at the bottom which is somewhat disappointing. Soundwave is just able to stand upright, a bit precariously as the slightest knock will send him over, but not a bad satellite overall, better than the Deluxe version.
Not as simple as you would expect, and fairly satisfying. Some good bits and I like how the arms fold out from the top of the satellite and the solar panels forming 'shoulder armour'.
Soundwave's robot mode is great, not as stocky as the Deluxe version, this is a good representation as well. He has a really decent amount of paint. He also has molded fists, they're just not that obvious being black plastic.
Sadly, his knees are permanently bent, so he has somewhat of a 'squatting' stance. His legs are also attached to far out in front, looking from the side makes him look a bit weird, and his body is very tubular.
An excellent head sculpt and design though, and evokes Soundwave quite well. Very detailed, too detailed in fact as the silver bits seem a bit messy.
Very poseable, he features elbow joints too!!! A balljointed head, the only thing he is missing is knee joints, otherwise he is about as poseable as a large sized toy!!. All in all, a great robot mode that is a lot of fun to play with.
An excellent toy and the best representation of Soundwave as a satellite in the ROTF toyline. Being cheap and easy to find, there is no excuse if you are thinking of getting him, just do it.
Detailed photos can be found somewhere else like here.
Credit: pictures and text is all mine, but I've linked a few pages to
Reviews of other figures can be selected from here.
I don't usually do something like this but fiddling around with Soundwave and wanting a jet mode like on the deluxe I created this mode, and is just plausible enough to be a jet.
The circular sculpting now at the back can be assumed to be thrusters, it's just the front that is a bit messy and clunky.
So yeah, just thought I'll share this as Soundwave is a great little toy to fiddle around with.