Friday, January 19, 2018

Ella Enchanted (2004)

Ella Enchanted plays on the cliches of fairy tales.  Itself a fairy tale, but it makes fun of itself.  There's a narrator, a charming prince, an evil stepmum, an evil king and the charming heroine.  Ella had a "gift" bestowed upon her on birth, and that she would be obedient.  This kind of backfires since in actuality, this meant that she had to do what everyone says she should, without a say in anything.  When she grows up, she sets out on a journey to find the fairy that gave her this gift to ask them to remove it.  Of course, as a fairy tale, she will meet various characters along her journey and fall in love with the prince.  Unfortunately, Ella Enchanted falls a bit flat in the plot because it is bland.  You don't care much for the characters, and as hard as the film tries to make fun, the humor isn't great.  Everything feels like it has been done before and this makes it stale.

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