Friday, November 15, 2019

Akira (1988)

Akira is an anime film based on the manga.  Despite its age, the animation is still fantastic, brimming with details, fluidity and charm with its own aesthetics.  The plot is set in Tokyo, Japan, where thirty years after World War III, it follows a biker gang.  In particular, Tetsuo, through a set of circumstances, finds himself developing psychic powers.  The film can be a bit violent with blood in multiple scenes.  "Akira" is apparently the reason that World War III happened and as Tetsuo grapples with his powers, he seeks it out.  Unfortunately, Tetsuo as a character can be unlikable at times thanks to his brashness.  His best friend, Kaneda, is on the friendlier side but on the whole, you are not supposed to side with any of the characters.  While you can appreciate for what Akira has done, the film can have some pacing issues with its plot.
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