Friday, December 10, 2021

Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (2019)

Maleficent:  Mistress of Evil is the sequel to the first Maleficent, which was a live-action spin-off from the classic Disney film Sleeping Beauty.  The premise of this film can feel forced in order to create a sequel and this permeates throughout the whole plot.  Aurora is deeply in love with Prince Philip, and when the two decide to marry, it causes friction between Aurora and Maleficent.  Complicating matters is Prince Philip's mother who seems steadfast in portraying Maleficent as evil.  It goes as well as you'd expect, with the Queen framing Maleficent, and Maleficent turning bitter due to the betrayal of Aurora.  A war ends up ensuing between Maleficent's Kingdom of Moors and the Queen's Kingdom of Ulstead.  A lot of the plot developments feel like cheap shots and a lazy way to push things forward.  It tries very hard to portray Maleficent as evil but is actually good, and it sends a conflicting and contrived message as a result.  The film is too reliant on special effects, particularly problematic when the special effects aren't that great in the first place.  In the end, the film is a bit dry and bland, making it hard to recommend.
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