Review: #787
Name: Optimus Prime
Brand: Transformers
Allegiance: Autobot
Line: Generations - Legacy United
Year of Release: 2024
Size Class: Voyager (Wave 1)
Mold Status: new
Based upon his Animated appearance, Optimus transforms into a stylized truck (without the fire truck elements on the back).
The original design had two wheels and there are two prominent wheels here but for some reason they are set quite far behind so it looks weird. There is another set of wheels underneath the cab.
The designer kept the aesthetics of the figure fairly faithful to the Animated aesthetic and resisted the urge to G1 the design, which is appreciated, and it's solid vehicle mode.
Transformation scheme is standard, there doesn't seem to be the same ingenuity as the original line. The back splits to form the legs, while the front the torso and arms. The grey bumpers folds into the torso. To be honest, it is a boring transformation.
Despite the lacklustre transformation scheme, the robot mode looks great, and again, seems to keep a lot of the Animated aesthetic.
Articulation is great, with joints for his head, shoulders, elbows, wrists, waist, hips, knees and ankles.
What's neat is if you have some blast effects, they can be attached to the back of the axe to replicate the rocket axe action from the cartoon.
However, Optimus' range of articulation for his arms and hands are not wide enough to easily let him hold the weapon with both hands.
The other minor issue is the lack of heel spurs. You'd expect him to have at least some small ones, and since the ankles don't allow front / back tilt movement, there are some poses where he struggles to stay upright.
Optimus Prime is a nice update and this is a good figure. The transformation scheme is boring, and the vehicle mode looks a bit weird with how the wheels are spaced out, but it is surprisingly faithful to the original design.
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