Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Toy Review: Transformers Generations Studio Series Rhinox (ROTB) (Voyager)

Name:  Rhinox
Brand:  Transformers
Allegiance:  Maximal
Line:  Generations - Studio Series
Year of Release:  2023
Size Class:  Voyager (Wave 21)
Mold Status:  new


Depicting Rhinox from the Rise of the Beasts film, Rhinox transforms into a mechanical rhino.

This is generally an okay beast mode, but the grey plastic used is quite bland.  What makes it worse is that some pieces of plastic are unpainted, contrasting some of the shinier painted plastic.

Rhinox is not a bad size for a Voyager, helped since he has a beast mode, which are generally larger.

Articulation is really bad, you can move some of the limbs but it is generally not advised since they are jointed in unnatural places.

The robot weapon can peg onto the top but it is just for storage as it looks ridiculous like this.

The front legs also look off, the official configuration in the instruction manual makes them look really awkward.

An average beast mode, but at least it distinctively looks like a mechanical rhino.


Uninspiring and a little bit annoying at times as you are trying to move some pieces that get in the way of each other.  The torso piece in particularly can be hard to get a proper grip on.  The rear legs become the robot feet, while the front become the arms.  Then all that is left is to rearrange everything into the robot torso.


Rhinox didn't have much screentime in his robot form in the movie, and he looks a tad bit awkward here.  The proportions are such that he has a huge upper body and a skinnier lower body.

The back has a plate with the rhino tail attached, as far as kibble goes, this is quite decent.

The head sculpt leaves some to be desired, especially since the half painted nature makes it look worse.

Again, he is an okay size in robot mode, although thanks to a few hollow parts, he can feel a bit light.

He comes with a cardboard stand, but unfortunately the scene is based upon a deleted scene, so it never appeared in the movie.

Articulation is fine, with joints for his head, shoulders, elbows, wrists, waist, hips, knees and ankles.

His robot weapon is a mace / hammer.

He can hold the weapon in either hand.

When not in use, the weapon can store on his back.

As per usual with contemporary Transformers, there is an overreliance on friction joints, so plenty of things will pop off, particularly his shoulder pads.

Otherwise, Rhinox has an average robot mode.  The figure just seems to lack charm even though he has no major flaws.


Rhinox is an average toy.  Both modes aren't bad, but they aren't amazing either.  In particular, the figure just feels so soulless, like not enough effort was put into the attention to detail that you would expect Studio Series figures to have.  The figure pretty much screams that it was pushed out on a tight deadline.


For other Transformers reviews, have a look at this page and this page.

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