Friday, February 28, 2025

Toy Review: Transformers Generations Legacy Wreck 'N Rule Collection G2 Universe Leadfoot and Masterdominus

Review:  #829
Name:  Wreck 'N Rule Collection G2 Universe Leadfoot and Masterdominus
Brand:  Transformers
Line:  Generations - Legacy
Year of Release:  2022


As part of the Wreck 'N Rule Collection set of exclusives, this set contains G2 Leadfoot and Masterdominus.

The set comes in a box that has a fantastic piece of artwork, and is designed to be stacked together with the rest of the collection as a bigger piece of art.

Furthermore, each set contains a piece of cardboard that can fold and combine into a hammer.


The set contains two figures, G2 Leadfoot, a retool of Earthrise Mirage, and Masterdominus, a retool of Ractonite.

Since both figures are retools, where one is a relatively obscure character, and the other is a new character, the only draw is if you liked the molds or if you like the designs.

Masterdominus is a Fossilizer so he can split up into parts to attach to other characters to power them up.


To be fair, this is a nice set, but probably not worth the full price as they are not strong characters.  The color scheme and molds are decent though, so are good if you can find them on sale or at a steep discount.


For other Transformers reviews, have a look at this page and this page.

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