Friday, February 8, 2019

Thor: Ragnarok (2017)

The third film in the Thor franchise, and also part of the greater Marvel Cinematic Universe, we get to see what happens to Thor after the twist ending of The Dark World.  Thor and Loki contend against each other but as expected, a greater evil arises and it is up to Thor to save Asgard.  Apart from a short scene, the film doesn't take place on Earth which also means that it is heavily reliant on special effects.  While the special effects are great most of the time, there were a few instances where it was a bit too obvious.  Nevertheless, what makes Ragnorok great is its lighthearted yet still serious atmosphere.  It does a wonderful job balancing the humor.  Loki remains a favourite, constantly swapping between friend and foe.  There were so many funny gags and shout-outs to previous Marvel movies that it never gets boring.  A surprising aspect are the various short appearances of other superheroes and they don't feel shoehorned in at all.  Ragnarok doesn't skimp on the action sequences either as there's plenty of fighting and showcasing Thor's awesome abilities throughout the whole length of the film.  Thor:  Ragnarok, while it doesn't pack in a complex plot, is so fun that time just whooshes by.
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