Monday, October 7, 2019

Book Review: Strike Witches – One-Winged Witches Vol. 2

Review:  #870
Title:  Strike Witches – One-Winged Witches Vol. 2
Series:  Strike Witches – One-Winged Witches – 2nd and final volume
Author:  Humikane Shimada & Projekt Kagonish
Comments:  The second and final volume of the One-Winged Witches is exactly in the same style and structure as the first.  Focusing on the rest of the characters (as well as some of the ones already featured), we find out their motivations and backgrounds.  What you’ll gather is that pretty much everyone has some sort of handicap or another, likes to keep their emotions to themselves and it takes Wilma to defrost them.  At least everyone works well as a team eventually.  Unfortunately, the Neuroi feels like afterthoughts and padding, especially since they don’t pose a credible threat at all.  The ending kind of just sneaks up on you and before you know it, the author’s showing what happens to each character afterwards.
Rating:  5/10
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