Friday, December 11, 2020

Atomic Blonde (2017)

Atomic Blonde is an action thriller taking place in Berlin in 1989, days prior to the collapse of the Berlin Wall.  A copy of a list of every agent in both sides of Berlin has been made but lost.  Thus, MI6 agent Lorraine is sent to help retrieve it.  What complicates matters is the double agent, Satchel, who has for years undermined MI6.  The film has a subdued atmosphere and bleak outlook.  There are plenty of action scenes featuring both fist fights and gun fights.  However, the plot connecting all these plots leaves a lot to be desired.  There is a lot of potential for the mysterious nature of the double agent which could leave the viewers constantly guessing who it is.  Instead, we're given a bunch of weak story moments that doesn't feel like it gels well together.  The story is told haphazardly and it gets to the point where you don't really care what instigated the current fight since it's so messy anyway.  Atomic Blonde is an average film that will probably lose your attention at more than a few points.
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