Thursday, December 24, 2020

Toy Review: Transformers BotBots Halloween Knight (Series 2)

Brand:  Transformers
Allegiance:  N/A
Line:  BotBots
Year of Release:  2019
Size Class:  BotBot (Series 2)
Mold Status:  new


As you can tell from the first part of the name, Halloween Knight is Halloween themed and transforms into a jack-o-lantern.

This is definitely a unique alternate mode and very cool, especially with the painted eyes and mouth.  As a BotBot, she is pretty small, above is a comparison against Legion Barricade.

While there are some transformation panels seams, this is a great and immediately recognizable alternate mode.


Halloween Knight cheats a little bit in this area as you can the top and front off as one piece to form the shield.  Then you pull the arms out from the sides and flip down the feet.


The robot mode is inspired by the second part of the name, and she has a knight theme as indicated by the helmet-inspired mouth and the shield.

She still retains most of the round pumpkin shape, although some effort has to made to give is a more unique outline including the horns.

The face is painted purple.  There a giant hole between the eyes since that is the hole for where the shield attaches.

Halloween Knight is very short as you can expect, above is a comparison against Legion Crosshairs.

The shield can peg onto either arm, the only thing missing a sword but that would be tougher to justify on the budget of such a small figure.  Articulation is only limited to the swinging of the arms, but despite that, this is an awesome robot mode.


Halloween Knight is definitely a unique figure in an already unique line.  Both modes lack flaws and both are really cool in its theme.


For other Transformers reviews, have a look at this page.
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