Friday, January 21, 2022

Stuber (2019)

Stuber is a comedy film in which the concept is a police officer teaming up with an Uber driver in order to catch a drug dealer.  This is an odd combination and it never quite works that smoothly during the whole movie.  This is because the police officer, Vic, took an eye correction surgery and then just so happens to get a tip on the drug dealer he had been tracking down for a few years.  Since he can't drive, he calls an Uber, driven by Stu, and then effective forces Stu to drive him around and even get into the thick of things.  The Uber viewpoint also gets bought up way too often and feels unnatural, as does a lot of the jokes.  It is too reliant on the concept which was already rocky to start with.  It does manage to get on its feet eventually and ends up being an enjoyable movie, including surprisingly, a satisfying character development subarc for Stu and his love interest.  You feel by the end of the movie you understand both Vic and Stu pretty well.
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